Sunday, December 18, 2011
I saw my doppleganger the other day, man that really fucked with my mind. I wonder if he was thinking the same thing “I must KILL him, before anyone ever finds out” I hope he wasn’t, it would suck to die, especially by the hands of your own self
Saturday, December 17, 2011
My Greatest Battle in the Minds of Men, and the mind of this man
I had just finished a massive carrier battle like midway. I gave the comp more forces then me and, and I had three carriers they had 5. I had 2 battle ships they 5 and so on but even with more ships if you use stratergy you can easily beat them. For eksample the comp will send their entire escort fleet in 2 get in gun range I was able to stop 3 of 5 of the battle ships but the other 2 along with cruisers and destroyers broke threw my air net which meant that my 2 battle ships 4 crusers and 11 destroyers would now have to stop 2 battle ships 8 cruisers and 19 destroyers and one of the surviving battle ships was the Yamoto class (the largest fucking battle ship ever built). It seemed hopeless and there 5 carriers were undamedged I braced myself for the slaughter but I would not give up so easily I threw everything at the Yamoto and they and they managed to stop them but they could not keep them at bay 4 long but... I sent all the aircraft on that island to attack their carriers the zero fighters were all gone fighting and devestting my p 47s which left there carriers defenseless ha ha they sank within 2 minutes by this time the Japanesey battle ships had sank or severley damaged my escort ships all though they took one battle ship not the yamoto unfortunately and 2 cruisers with them along with a few destroyers my carriers were sitting ducks but with no carriers to return to the zeros soon crashed giving my planes air supremucy and the japenese ships were about 50 seconds from gun range but then it turned into a turkey shoot my planes sank the yamoto but they got one of my carriers before they left me the area oh and they also tryed to invade midway but thanks to the heavy artillery they failed which reminds me of the bloody battle of Iwo Jima it took me 4 hours to crush resistance on that island it was a bloody battle I mean I bombarded that island for 50 mins (a lot in the game) when I landed my forces on the beach the first time a counter attack pushed them right back out but with carrier air support the next beach head held out but still oppossistion was fierce and I had alot of tanks landed near the end of the battle with nearly I’d say 75 percent of my infantry wiped out but still I was able to secure the island or a massive tank battle with 42 shermans vs 11 tigers the tigers can win easily but then all u have to do is launch a feint attack against one of there flanks then those tigers can be deafeated with a holding motion until close air support can arrive and destroy them and there supporting infantry will have no armored suport and they can be wiped out in a timley fashion by drawing them out with snipers then bleeding them white against intrenched infantry or a samuri battle on an open plain this wich is also fun because u can totally encircle an enemy force like tieing a shoelace games is filled with battles like that and its a great value although some of the battles with cave men are not fun i mean come on cavemen oh u can also have a battle to see what would have happened if the soveits had attacked the americans during the cold war I was the americans and was being pushed back by alot of soviet tanks and troops until my b 52 bomber was called in to nuke there army wich i managed to barely out flank and form into a pocket thanks to the abrams tank ha ha but the t74s were going to break out soon along with alot of soveit infantry but the b52 droped a nuke and there ofensive stoped they retreated to some ridge but I was now the winner of the battle and with a classic hammer and anvil movement they were crushed and before I start to ramble about the massive b17 along with fighter escort missions u can have I’m going to leave oh and u can also use the map creater to have wacky missions like Roman cohorts against samuri or snipers against cave men wich is very funny one more thing if u have 600 cave men against 75 samuri the samuri will win well I’m going now! but so much battles to talk about! but I most go I have no choice because I’m going to bomb berlin back into the stone age with 200+ b17s against the germans. My forces were nearly cut, then send ground forces in like rolling thunder its been a long campaign in half at the battle of the buldge but now the very heart of the 3rd Rike is within my grasp after the bombing ill win 4 sure well got to go, later guys.
Update on Race: Mongolia
Lead after Check point = the Hippie
They are currently in Mongolia, the hills are really slowing them down today. The asshole has a definite advantage there because his whole life has been an allegory of down hill, but he is still trailing by a good four and half miles which isn’t bad considering they have gone almost 12,098 miles. I think what’s slowing the asshole down mostly is that in each village he keeps asking where the Geisha are, and then swearing in French.
They are currently in Mongolia, the hills are really slowing them down today. The asshole has a definite advantage there because his whole life has been an allegory of down hill, but he is still trailing by a good four and half miles which isn’t bad considering they have gone almost 12,098 miles. I think what’s slowing the asshole down mostly is that in each village he keeps asking where the Geisha are, and then swearing in French.
Grizzly Adams
To dress like Grizzly Adams is to be respected like Grizzly Adams but it in no way implies that you fuck like him.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Maybe that’s the problem that I’m just trying to rush everything, and I’m not taking everything for how it is and how it should be. Just one second at a time is all I need, I just need to slow everything down and take it easy, relax and kick back the old school way. When the days seemed so long, and felt like I could do anything and it never seemed so hard. At least from what I can remember. Yeah right, and maybe my families weren’t alcoholics because of the disease but they realized they were better people when they were drunk, not necessarily when they were a drunkard and there is a difference.
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