Thursday, November 29, 2012
Grandma Sex Talk
The grandma should always have the sex talk with the kids. There is not that uncomfortableness that comes with this being the thing you raised and you have to tell them how to use your things, not to mention much more experience. Maybe she knows what she would rather have, a life lesson of love.
It's like buying that 12 gallon jug of jelly beans. You think it will last forever. But before you know it is over and you weigh 30lbs heavier.
Flying is Dangerous as Fuck
That whole "statistically you're more likely to be killed on the way to the airport". What statistics? I drive probably 2000 times a year. Its like the whole losing your keys and remote thing. People think it's so funny how those are the only things we lose but we also use these things every day. Placing them in many locations over the course of a week. Humans just lose things on a constant basis 5% of the time, and that portion is just enough to make our lives go from miserable to horrific in a split second.
How Long Do you Think It Took Cavemen to figure out which hole was for procreation and recreation
See the problem with man, especially somewhat primitive man, is that you know just enough about the universe but honestly you don't know shit. For instance, pregnancy you recognize it as a miracle, but as a primitive man you wouldn't know about sperm and egg, genetics, gestation. Oh it's a god right. so it probably started out with some stupid myth and worshiping some stupid god. You had division amongst tribes. You had skirmish's, heated debates and fights. You had one ape man go all in on the anal and the other go vaginal. All the anal's just died out eventually, thought they would start back up int he 1960's except adoption is now widely available.
In 1960 there was one homo
In 2015 there would be millions.
And it's weird how it works like that, it switches.
I'm talking about 5000 BC man. Those weird celtics and egyptians. I don't know.
I think with animals on some level it's just instinctual, but when man evolved he lost that. He understood he made life but had no idea how, made up a story. Now we are still somewhat primitive we know absolutely shit about the universe, but we think we do. We might be 500 year of solid progress away from that, then maybe the world will be pretty cool.
In 1960 there was one homo
In 2015 there would be millions.
And it's weird how it works like that, it switches.
I'm talking about 5000 BC man. Those weird celtics and egyptians. I don't know.
I think with animals on some level it's just instinctual, but when man evolved he lost that. He understood he made life but had no idea how, made up a story. Now we are still somewhat primitive we know absolutely shit about the universe, but we think we do. We might be 500 year of solid progress away from that, then maybe the world will be pretty cool.
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