Is it our decision of who we are? I think if the caveman could see what the world has become they all would kill themselves. What you should do is a futuristic show that just bashes all the people today, how they will be remembered. It’s impossible to see it now, but there are so many people today that will be seen as the downfall of mankind. All we do is just suckle at the teet of the accomplishments of the previous generation. If our generation blows what will our children be suckling besides our woman’s teat. The opium of the collective if you will. And the funny thing is that no one stopped him, no one said hey that’s not right, because we all apart of either the group who cares, or the group who watches. I think we have to realize that we are not alone, that we are apart of each other, we all started from the same DNA we all are just mixture of each other. Once we figure out we are just one giant organism I think things will be pretty sweet. Who’s he talking to anyway? Who are we talking to when we talk to ourselves, there are other people. Everything we see is a part of the past, the only thing that is happening in the now in that moment is our self. Making us feel pathetic is the greatest form of control. We just better do something now before it gets worse. The revolution always starts at 3:15 among a chaotic orgy of drunk thoughts but it soon find itself amongst the horrid rejection of everyday life, and the untimely unsettling possibility of nothing. I think we all have to understand it’s all the same ball with no sides. Why does everything have to be for survival or for the species why can’t things just be? We all develop philosophies because we want an answer. A group of people find a notebook from when they were in 4th grade of what they thought was cool, they decide to love the same things they did when they were younger thinking it was so much better when it just creates as many demons as it destroys. Now you are a part of it and nothing can change that.
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